[living thru the flames]
Standing in a huge
huddle with all the rest of summer staff tonight,
feeling the power and truth behind the words,
I knew that a mere fire cannot burn down Eagle
Lake Camp.
{The real Eagle Lake is a group of
people, who come together in Him, and make up the body.}
Eagle Lake might look like a
group of highly flammable wooden buildings from the outside, but on the inside,
it will stand even if
the buildings burn. Jesus
is with us in this fiery furnace.
He will protect us.

For the time being, the
physical camp site of Eagle Lake Camps is safe. Firefighters have decided to
use the property as a base for trying to keep the fire on the south side of
Rampart Range and not any further past ELC's property. So far we do not have
any structures on fire. It's looking promising, no doubt because of the powerful
prayers that everyone has been praying over the property. If you
get a chance, please pray for the men and women fighting the fire right now, as
well as the numerous families that have been evacuated from surrounding areas.
Also be in prayer for the children who will not make it to camp, and the
campers who had to cut their time at Eagle Lake short because of the fire.
Please be in prayer for staff, that we can keep running this race with the same
endurance we were able to have before the fire. We are all evacuated and have
been meeting here in the Springs. And one of the things that even the
two-year-old that I nanny have been doing is praying. Continuously. Always.
Fire, even this much
of it, isn't going to stop the power of those prayers.
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