We started school this week, tackling the Geometry, Writing, and Spanish books like they're the worst challenge we'll ever face. As I sit here, with a cup of green tea in front of me and the impending notion that I really need to work on my Spanish course, I'm beginning to find an old truth, and make it into a new one.
The truth is this simple: everything will be done in its proper time. Life will go on whether I do my Spanish lesson today or get in two tomorrow instead. And sometimes other things are more important than a Spanish lesson or math homework. This truth has been widely spread since the book of Ecclesiastes was written, but the modern world seems to have forgotten it in the meaningless busyness and bustle of our daily schedules. Moving back to a big city, I've noticed once again the hectic lifestyle modern American people live. We need to go, go, go, and do, do, do. Nothing can satisfy our desires better than to see the products of our efforts. We need to continuously surpass each other in our accomplishments, and put ourselves as high up in the "caste system" as we can before we die. But in reality, that's not what life's about.
Life is about living. To the best of your ability. Not to become the most influential American of all times, or a well-known and famous inventor, or the millionaire of the century. Our job here on earth is to live up to God's standards—to use our time wisely. Not to build ourselves up, but to encourage and strengthen others in the faith. And if the Spanish book waits a day in order to fulfill that job, the world is not going to end. So many times we get caught up in the wiles of the world, sure that we need to "go above and beyond" and become the "top man," when all that we really need to do is live our lives to the fullest extent that God wants us to live our lives to. To become the best is the world's way, and we are called to be a light to the world, not to become part of it. This doesn't mean that you need to stop working hard, or quit trying to become good at something. It just means that your top priority should not be to "look good" in the world's eyes. Being the best and brightest, the top in your particular field, isn't always the adventure that the Lord is choosing to send you on. Sometimes we simply need to live slowly, quietly, so we can impart peace in the chaos of this world.
And that's the truth I relearned today.
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