Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Book of the Week: God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew

When two people who don't know each other tell you about one book within a matter of a couple months, you know that you should read it. For me God's Smuggler was one of those books, and if you're looking for anything pertaining to adventure, suspense, faith, and/or modern miracles, I would definitely refer you to this book. 
Brother Andrew was born in 1928 and grew up in a world that was governed by war.  He and his friends' favorite games were spies and soldiers, and he had high hopes of going into the army.  He followed that dream as a young man, but God had different plans and sent him away from the action with a "permanent" ankle injury.  Andrew became a devout follower of God after his army adventure and searching for meaning in the life around him.  Later in life, he began visiting Communist countries, especially those in the Soviet Union.  His many hair-raising stories of how God provided for him during even the hardest scrapes are amazing!  He has inspired many people through this simple retelling of his life—including me.  I have learned, through God's Smuggler, to keep on believing in God even when a situation doesn't seem possible to fix.  Having the faith of a mustard seed is probably possible, but keeping the faith of a mustard seed seems to be the hard thing.  This is the true-life story of a man who had the bravery and faith to help his brothers and sisters suffering in other countries... and who knows, it may inspire you to do the same!

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