Dearest Jehovah,
Thank You for the adventures You have led me on, the growth that You have prepared for me. I have passed through both the flames of Satan and the sun of the pleasant fields of beauty You have created with me in mind. I have fallen from Your grasp of my own accord, left Your embrace for a life of my own, thinking foolishly that it would give me the freedom I wanted, the freedom I thought I deserved. But time and time again, no matter how far I, in my inability and weakness, have fallen, You are always there to catch me, to hold me tight, and to love me the way that no one else could ever love me. Though I am but a slave, a worthless waif, You guide me into the paths that the Prince once walked, the paths that I now walk in His name. You have made me Your princess, loved me as Your daughter, and let me call You my Abba, my Father. You have become the One I live for, and with my every move I pray that I may achieve my desire to become closer to You and learn more of Your ways. You are my life, for my own has died. You are my mind, for my own has perished. You are my heart, for my own has broken. You are my spirit, for without You I would not have one. You are my Father, my Brother, my Love. I live for You, and one day I shall die for You. Thank You for rescuing me and loving me as Your own, for taking me from the sinister paths of the Evil One and giving me a new direction in which to travel. You are my All-in-All, my Alpha and my Omega, my Beginning and my End. You hear the cry of my very soul when I am in anguish and You come to my rescue, forgetting the reason that I became hurt, forgiving the fact that I have time and time again turned my back to You. In this next year, let my life be lived with the sole purpose of giving my all to You. I cannot leave Your presence, or flee from Your Spirit. You are always here with me, to comfort and protect me. And I love You, Yeshua. I love You, my Lord, my Protector, my Provider.
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