Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Seeing things in a different light

I was looking through my pictures today and I realized that some of them are a little bit different.

Not different bad, mind you.  Just different... different.

While wondering what to do with them, I had the thought to put them on my blog and share some more of my (different) world with you. 

What do these pictures have in common?  They're all strange, or out of the ordinary.  Not bad pictures, but unusual images, if you think about it.  They're different than what you'd usually see.
Different is usually viewed as a bad thing in our society.  If you're different, it usually means that you're not the same (obviously...).  You're an outcast, odd, or sheltered, even.  Different than the "rest of the human race."  You're a stranger in a strange land.  Sound familiar?
The funny thing about being different is that you're not the same.  You have the right to not act like everyone else in the world ought to act.  Don't try to act like everyone else; be happy being you—the one and only!  Different may seem strange or wrong to some people.  But to me, different is beautiful.

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