2. A father and mother who take care of me
3. The sun
4. My cat
5. My dog
6. Being able to cry
7. Being able to laugh
8. Love
9. Life
10. Books
11. The Bible
12. School (yes, even algebra and geometry...)
13. Paper
14. Pens
15. Smiles
16. The smell of a new baby
17. The smell of a clean dog
18. Music
19. Joy
20. Faith
21. My journal
22. Missions
23. Orphans laughing
24. Slaves set free
25. Food
26. The knowledge of how to prepare that food
27. Blessings
28. Prayer
29. Poetry
30. Imperfect people
31. A perfect God
32. Salvation
33. Sacrifice
34. Homemade bread
35. buying yeast from a Mennonite store
36. corn swaying in the wind
37. the color of soy beans at harvest
38. crinkly leaves
39. the smell of rain
40. the sound of thunder
41. a whispering tree
42. mountains
43. baby calves with big brown eyes
44. homemade yogurt
45. raw milk
46. little children
47. younger siblings
48. the colors of a rainbow
49. the eyes of a person with hope
50. tears of happiness
51. picking blueberries
52. cooking garden-fresh pumpkins
53. weeding a garden
54. canning apple butter
55. the smell of my mom's favorite candle
56. friends I can trust
57. letters
58. patience
59. petals of a dried rose
60. hard times of testing
61. good times of growth
62. our Compassion children
63. watching movies late at night
64. reading my Bible in the quiet of morning
65. the sunrise
66. the sunset
67. my favorite crocheting needle
68. a bed
69. being close with my siblings
70. that the church isn't a building
71. forgiveness
72. windows that I can see through
73. those days when you wake up and the world is perfect
74. being able to serve people
75. hugs
76. that turkeys don't weigh much more than twenty pounds
77. birds
78. flight—and the miracle of humans flying
79. pencils
80. art
81. faces
82. beauty
83. being homeschooled
84. phase ten (my very favorite card game)
85. adults who invest in the lives of kids
86. dictionaries
87. tulips
88. sandals
89. coats
90. coffee
91. spell check
92. blogging
93. martial arts
94. running
95. my camera
96. hot chocolate on a cold day
97. -30 wind chills to make life exciting
98. Vitamins
99. Two feet
100. thanksgiving
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